Welcome to Don Higgins Esophageal Cancer Story (DHECS.org) Facebook Posts

2022-09-30 Cancer Treatment Update #1
I have cancer! But Charlotte and I plan to beat it. On Monday, Sept. 19 I had an endoscopy to expand my esophagus so I could eat normally again. Unfortunately, my gastrologist doctor found a mass blocking most of the passageway about 2/3 of the way down. I was admitted to Morton Plant hospital the same day, and the search for a surgeon who could remove the mass by cutting out a section of the esophagus and reattaching the two ends. My gastrologist worked tirelessly and found a thoracic surgeon at Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa. Last Friday Sept. 23, I had a PET scan and met with my new surgeon. She confirmed that the mass was cancerous and had affected one lymph node. On Tuesday, Sept. 27, I had outpatient surgery at Moffitt to implant a feeding tube and a port for medications. We ended up staying at a motel near Moffitt in Tampa due to hurricane Ian, we finally drove home across the Howard Franklyn bridge from the Tampa motel yesterday. Fortunately our house in Pinellas Park is ok. The next step is to meet with Moffitt oncologists and hopefully start chemo and radiation next week to try and shrink and kill the cancer and avoid having to have the major surgery to remove it. We pray that this plan works. We feel blessed to have such great medical care in this area.

2022-10-02 Cancer Treatment Update #2
Yesterday Charlotte Turano Higginse and I successfully injected 2 cartons of ISOSOURCE HN nutrition via my feeding tube. That's about 700 calories. I'll need 6 to hit the 2,000 daily target. But I'm still able to swallow liquids so I'm currently getting the rest from Boost, vanilla Jello, and yummy milk shakes. The next big goal is to have oncology consult at Moffitt and start chemo injections via my port. I'm hoping we can arrange for these chemo injections to be done locally instead of having to drive to Moffitt in Tampa.

2022-20-25 Cancer Treatment Update #3
Today I got my first chemo treatment at Moffitt and came home with a battery powered pump which will keep providing chemo until Thursday when I go back to get it removed. No serious side affects so far. I have several more chemo treatments scheduled, and then chemo and radiation will begin concurrently. Charlotte and I are thankful that the treatment has finally begun.

2022-11-07 Cancer Treatment Update #4
Today I was scheduled to have second round of chemo at Moffitt, but my white blood cell count has dropped just below 1000 so chemo has been delayed. I feel better this week so hopefully I will grow enough whte blood cells to try chemo next week.

2022-11-20 Cancer Treatment Update #5
The good news is that on Nov. 15 my white blood cell count was above low limit, and I did receive my second round of chemo treatment along with extra anti-nausea medication. After chemo pump was removed, I received injection of Neulasta Onpro which stimulates bone marrow to produce more white blood cells. The bad news is that I have now lost 15 pounds and my grey hair is starting to fall out. But the cancerous tumor in my lower esophagus appears to have shrunk since I am now able to swallow water normally. I will start trying to eat soft food in addition to the six feedings per day via feeding tube. It is hard when you feel so tired and slightly nauseous all the time. Thank you all for the many prayers and well wishes.
2022-12-02 Cancer Treatment Update #6
On Nov. 28, my white blood cell count was over 16,000 up from previous 1000. I received third chemo treatment along with extra anti-nausea medication plus portable pump which just keeps giving for 2 more days. In addition to always feeling tired, my newest side effect is cold sensitivity and tingling of feet and hands. I have to heat water and wear thick wool socks even though it is over 80 outside here in Florida. Since the chemo on Monday, I am still coughing up thick mucus and phlegm so all my nourishment is through the feeding tube. I am looking forward to a few weeks off before starting radiation and chemo. Thank you all for the many prayers and well wishes.

2022-12-08 Cancer Treatment Update #7
On December 8 I had a PET scan at Moffitt that showed the tumor in my lower esophagus had shrunk about 40%. Next week I have a CT simulation, and the plan is to start 6 weeks of chemo and radiation later in December. Thank you all for the many prayers and well wishes.

2022-12-14 Cancer Treatment Update #8
On December 13 I had a CT simulation to add 3 tattoos to provide positioning for radiation. On December 27 I start daily radiation and chemo for 6 weeks totaling 28 treatments ending February 6. The docs say side effects will be rough, but we are staying positive and hopeful. Merry Christmas and thanks for all the well wishes and prayers.

2022-12-23 Cancer treatment update #9
On December 23 I completed development of a new website www.mycancertale.com which tracks my journey through esophageal cancer treatment. On December 27 I start daily radiation and chemo treatments. The last few weeks have been good with less side effects. The docs say side effects will be rough, but we are staying positive and hopeful. Merry Christmas and thanks for all the well wishes and prayers.

2022-12-31 Cancer treatment update #10.
On December 30 I completed my first 4 of 28 radiation and chemo treatments. The radiation only takes 15 minutes each weekday. The chemo requires a weekly 2.5 hour infusion and attachment of portable pump to keep chemo going 5 days. Only 5 more weeks and then I hope PET scan shows cancer is gone. The side affects so far include tiredness, sensitivity to cold, and a little nausea. And thank goodness for Depends. So far there is no irritation of esophagus from radiation and I can still swallow soft food. I wish you all a healthy and happy New Year and thank you for all the well wishes and prayers.

2023-01-21 Cancer treatment update #11.
On January 20 I completed 17 of 28 radiation and chemo treatments at Moffitt. Only about 2 weeks to go. Then on March 23 I am scheduled to have a CT scan and 6 weeks after that I have a PET scan to see if all the cancer is gone. The side effects have not been too bad. I still have tiredness, sensitivity to cold touch, and some diarrhea. Recent new side effects include less appetite and some soreness in the lower abdomen from radiation. For all updates visit www.DonHigginsEsophagealCancerStory.com or www.DHECS.org shortcut. I continue to be able to swallow and have not had to use feeding tube. Thank you for all the well wishes and prayers.

2023-01-27 Cancer treatment update #12.
On January 27 I completed 21 of 28 radiation and chemo treatments at Moffitt. The side effects got worse this week. I vomited and have started taking Zofran to try and prevent it. I have lost my appetite and may have to go back on feeding tube. I have lost 22 pounds which is about 10 more that I needed to. I am coughing and spitting up a lot more mucus, and have diarrhea which I take Imodium for. Thank you for all the continued well wishes and prayers.

2023-02-07 Cancer treatment update #13.

On February 6 I completed 28 concurrent radiation and chemo treatments at Moffitt. Now I need to recover for 6 weeks before CT scan to see if all the cancer is gone. I've lost 23 pounds and have no appetite. I've gone back to using feeding tube to get more calories and protein. The last few days have been rough with frequent deep coughing up phlegm, diarrhea, and very tired. My diaphragm is very sore. I am thankful that I was able to eat during some of the treatment time, and am hopeful that things will improve. Thank you for all the continued well wishes and prayers.

2023-03-08 Cancer treatment update #14.

My last radiation and chemo were on February 6. I was feeling quite sick for several more weeks after that, but now I am feeling much better. I am able to eat and we are no longer using feeding tube. Also I am no longer coughing and spitting up phlegm. I am anxious to get next PET scan to see if all the cancer is gone. I now have a much greater appreciation for all who are battling cancer. Thank you for all the continued well wishes and prayers.

2023-03-24 Cancer treatment update #15.

On March 23 we spent 7 hours at Moffitt for blood work, CT scan, doctor consultations, and removal of feeding tube. The really good news is "Nothing new and nothing grew". I am done with treatments until May 3 when I have PET scan and endoscopy. Then we will learn if any additional treatment is required. I am hoping that will be the end of my cancer story except for periodic checkups. Thank you for all the continued well wishes and prayers.

2023-05-03 Cancer treatment update #16.
On May 1 I had an endoscopy, and we wil get biopsy results in a couple of weeks. On May 3 we spent 7 hours at Moffitt for blood work, PETscan, and doctor consultation. The really good news is that the tumor in my lower esophagus is gone, and I am done with treatments for now. I am scheduled for another endoscopy and PET scan in August. Thank you for all the continued prayers, well wishes, and support.

2023-8-14 Cancer treatment update #17

On August 14 I had a byopsy of growth on my left kidney. On September 14 I met with surgeon at Moffitt and now have surgery scheduled for October 30 to remove renal cell carcinoma from my left kidney. Fortunately the tumor was discovered early on scans following my successful esophageal cancer treatment. (see 
Don Higgins Esophageal Cancer Story

2023-11-07 Cancer treatment update #18

On October 25, I had surgery at Moffitt on my left kidney to remove renal cell carcinoma. The surgeon was able to get clear margins and did not have to take the whole kidney. Both kidneys are now functioning normally, and no further treatment is planned. There were several side effects of the surgery which prolonged my expected 4 day stay to 10 days. Several issues had to be resolved including abdominal drainage, bowl, and urinary track issues. Charlotte stayed in my hospital room with me. I am thankful to be home although I feel very weak and sore. Thank you for all the continued well wishes and prayers.

2023-12-17 Cancer treatment update #19

On Nov. 17 I had Mohs surgery to remove squamous cells from below my right ear. On Dec 11, I had Mohs surgery to remove basil cells from my upper lip. In Dec. 15 I had thyroid biopsy and will get results on Jan 5. Thank you for all the continued well wishes and prayers.

2024-02-05 Cancer treatment update #20

I am now scheduled for thyroid surgery at Moffitt on February 22 to remove tumor that is growing and probably cancerous based on biopsy. It is just day surgery if all goes well. I am feeling fine with no symptoms. Latest scans do not show any other signs of cancer. Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes.

2024-02-24 Cancer treatment update #21

Thursday February 22, I had thyroid surgery at Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa. They removed a tumor from my right thyroid. My neck and throat are a little sore, but I have no food restrictions. I am excited that this was my last scheduled procedure at Moffitt and now will just have periodic scans to make sure cancer does not come back. Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes.


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